Oh, if only work teams could all get along. But it usually doesn’t work that way, and often due to three destructive elements: whataboutism, finger-pointing and playing the blame game—all of which are toxic if left unchecked. When Vida Aventura clients need help with...
“I have to get back into a routine!” If you’ve been muttering that to yourself lately, especially after having enjoyed a summer full of vacations, parties, late night movie binges and a less structured schedule, you’re not alone. Fall has a way of saying, “Hey, it’s...
I was having coffee with a friend the other day, and she shared that she’s in a deep and annoying rut. In particular, she’s been wanting to embark on a very exciting and new business venture, but is struggling to get motivated and can’t quite seem to find the energy...
Within each of us lie the strength, confidence and ability for Greatness. Sometimes all it takes is that extra push. When I started my business about four years ago, I honestly did not have a clue about what I was doing. I created Relevate because I knew businesses...
Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” Inspiration is that passion and determination which makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, smile through the tears, and work through any dilemma. So, how do cultivate...