According to the World Health Organization, stress-related maladies cost US companies at least $300 billion and 80% of workers feel stress on the job with nearly half saying they need help in learning how to better manage stress.

Mindfulness is the ability to gain a state of presence and self-awareness that enables you to choose your responses or actions in clear, productive and intentional ways. What could be better?

Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • What is mindfulness, how and why it works
  • Mind control through meditation and focused awareness
  • How to control the controllables, and let go of the rest
  • Having a choice about what you feel, think, and do
  • Create a new mindset
  • Vulnerability, empathy and positive emotions
With Mindfulness training, your team will see:
  • Enhanced work performance and productivity
  • Increased focus and energy
  • Reduced overwhelm and workplace stress
  • Reduced sick days
  • Increased employee happiness
Are you ready to confront the chaos with calm? Contact usa today, and begin your journey to Mindfulness.