2019 is well underway and hopefully you’re still feeling as inspired as you did when the clock struck midnight.
But, it’s easy to lose that optimism during dreary winter days. If you’re in need of some inspiration or a boost to remind you of your goals, this list of our top five team building blog posts from 2018 can help you regain your focus and determination.
Our Top Five Blog Posts on Team Building
What Should I Expect Out of Team Building Activities?
We know that team building hasn’t always had the coolest reputation and we get it. In this post, we break down what you can actually expect from a team building activity, and some of the results your business can expect to see after participating. Read Here
Why Should Businesses Conduct Team Building Training?
Your employees are like pieces of a puzzle; when they fit together, they form a cohesive picture. If they don’t, it’s a big, confusing mess. This is why team building training is essential to making sure your valuable pieces fit together as precisely as they should. This article delves into the many benefits of team building. Read Here
3 Reasons Why Successful Team Building Needs an External Facilitator
Team building is an important investment that every organization should make. That said, you want to make sure to get the most bang for your buck. Many companies make the mistake of using their own internal training departments to conduct team building. This blog post details the reasons why that’s not always the best idea. Read Here
Corporate Social Responsibility Team Building with Pack Away Hunger
If you’re ready to take your team building to the next level, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team building may be right for you. With CSR team building, not only does your team learn skills to improve collaboration, productivity, and communication, but your business gains the added bonus of helping others in need. Read this article to learn about our partnership with Pack Away Hunger and how your team, and people in need, can benefit from CSR team building activities. Read Here
The Significance of Developing Strong Company Culture
To propel your business to the top and keep it there, you need more than pure profit. You need a strong, cohesive team that not only knows how to work effectively together but that are invested in your organization and aligned with its goals. In this article, we review the benefits of developing a strong company culture; how having one will help you hire the correct people, foster talent, and lay a solid foundation for your business to grow upon. Read Here