It has been proven time and again that team building is a positive, worthwhile practice and an important investment for any organization. And, if you’re ready to enhance your team building activities, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team building is the way to go.

CSR team building, also known as philanthropic team building, combines traditional team building activities with outcomes that benefit others, giving organizations and businesses the opportunity to have a positive impact on their community.

We know that team building is beneficial because it results in increased collaboration, improved productivity, and enhanced communication, along with many other benefits. With CSR team building, not only do you reap all of those rewards, but your business gains the added bonus of helping others in need.

Why Corporate Social Responsibility Team Building?

While a major benefit of team building is the bond that is forged among the team, as team members work together toward a charitable outcome those bonds grow even deeper and more meaningful. As team members participate in CSR team building, they develop a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing that together they are working to improve the lives of others.

Having had the opportunity to lead many Corporate Social Responsibility team building events, I’ve seen firsthand the positivity they create and the goodwill they bring. That is why I am delighted to be partnering with Pack Away Hunger.

Pack Away Hunger is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and others who suffer from hunger and malnutrition. They develop nutritious pre-packaged meals designed to meet the nutritional needs of children and others at risk of malnutrition.

One of the ways in which they facilitate packing these meals is by teaming up with organizations and businesses. The participating groups purchase the raw materials needed for the packs and then attend a “packing event” where team members work together to create the pre-packaged meals.

When the meals are assembled, organizations can either choose who the recipients of the meals will be, or they can leave it to Pack Away Hunger to distribute the meals to areas where they can make the most impact.


Vida Aventura is excited about our partnership with Pack Away Hunger and being able to offer their services as a team building option. If you’re interested in conducting your next team building event with Pack Away Hunger or would like to learn more about Corporate Social Responsibility team building, contact us today!

Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results.