Few can disagree that our culture has more than it’s fair share of “stress triggers” –   traffic, deadlines, and oh the emails that just never stop coming.  The paradox is, short-term stress is actually essential to our success and our survival.  A healthy level of stress allows us to perform at our optimal levels, and will even keep us out of physical danger.

Most successful leaders (and successful people) have mastered functioning at a healthy level of stress.  They understand that the short-term adrenaline rush they get when tackling a particular challenge can be used to their benefit.  They also understand that it’s equally essential to remove themselves from a stressful state of mind before it becomes a detriment.  Anyone can learn how to control the way they react to their circumstances. But just how do we remove stress once it no longer serves us?  Read Travis Bradberry’s article, “How Successful People Stay Calm” for some best practices for controlling your daily stress, and share them with your team!


Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results.