Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results.

Woman finding her Zen by relaxingA couple of Fridays ago, I decided to do something that I rarely do, but recognize I need to do more often – I took a half day off!

We live in a world where we are rarely disconnected: from work, from the news, from the internet. Days, weeks, and months of daily grind go by and before we know it, we find ourselves exhausted, burned out and overwhelmed.

Usually, the last thing we would think of doing at that time is to stop, slow down and take a break because who has time for that?! But come to think of it, who doesn’t?

I love what I do, and that makes me feel incredibly fortunate, however that doesn’t mean that I don’t suffer from entrepreneurial guilt from time to time. But after putting in several back-to-back weeks of working by day and completing projects by night, I decided enough was enough and I needed time to re-center myself. I looked at my calendar and saw an opportunity to create some space, to make some “me” time, and I took it.

Take a Step Back, and Breathe

So, on this particular Friday, I told myself that it was time for a break, to take a step back, and breathe. I wanted to have intentional time to decompress, restore and rejuvenate, so I worked in my yard and garden, all day and into the night. That may not sound like your way of restoring, but, hey, it’s important that “you do you” and find your Zen!

For me, anything in nature: gloves, shovels, dirt, you name it, is the recipe for finding my Zen, and as if the universe was applauding my decision to take this time for me, the sun came out and we had the gorgeous Indiana spring weather we’ve all be waiting for.

Not only did my day of yard work restore me, but it gave me the lift that I needed to re-engage in my work in a more creative, enthusiastic and fun way. So much so, that on Sunday, I worked on my “day job” all day, and I was happy to do it. It may not be yard work that restores you, but whatever it is, it’s important to find your Zen and take the time to take a step back, so you can take two steps forward.


How do you find your Zen? We’d love to hear! Please share your comments below.