I didn’t sign up for this! I can’t do this anymore. There has to be more than this …

These were some of my reactions as my career in Corporate America began to feel like more of a trap. I wasn’t sure what my “calling” was, but this wasn’t it. I was also feeling a bit lost in other areas of my life…….I was stuck in a rut. I really didn’t know what to do, but I knew that I had to do something. I had to make a move.

It’s not always a job that makes someone feel that “ick.” You know what I’m talking about – the feeling that something is off.  That it shouldn’t be this hard. Or, what am I supposed to be doing in my life???

The “Gap”

This is that place between what you have and what you want. Sometimes you don’t know that there is a gap, but you feel a desire for something. That something could be a job, relationship, lifestyle, or other. You might not have even defined what you’re aching for, but you’re aching. It’s the space between what you have and what you want.

Let’s have some love for this feeling. It’s your compass. If you’re feeling a bit lost, trapped, or stuck you can use your internal compass as a catalyst to guide you towards a new horizon.


Life Quest will offer you some questions that cut to the core of what your purpose may be, and help you determine “what’s next.”

This guide is about helping you FIND and LIVE Your Truth. It’s an ideal tool for anyone who is interested in:

• Finding clarity
• Building self confidence
• Unlocking your brilliance
• Living the life you are meant to live
• Discover “what’s missing”
• Stopping the struggle
• Living with intention
• Getting yourself back

Let’s embark on a journey together. I had help along my path to freedom –> the feeling of being in the flow with life <– so I want to return the gift.

Life Quest Coaching Package:

I’ve packing this journey with lots of juicy offers! There are limited spots available, so get in while you can. Sign up now for the next wave. Details are below.

Here is what you will receive:

>Life Quest Guide – a 9 part guide that walks you through your journey
>3 Group Coaching Calls (recorded in case you can’t be on the live call)

  • Call 1: Your Quest Foundation (The Decision Point, Commitment, Bliss Out!)
  • Call 2: Your Quest Roadmap (Have it, Work it, Take Action)
  • Call 3: Your Quest (Practice, Focus and Push Through)

>Action plan
>Accountability plan
>Life-long daily practices
>Resources – tips and support sent to you by your coach
>Email access to your coach
>Community of fellow travelers from around the world

Investment: $99 (value $375)

Sign up: vidaaventura.net/contact – Please enter “Life Quest” in the message box.

Chart your course. Live out loud. Your world is counting on it!

Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results.