By this time, company leaders and managers have usually already moved on from setting organizational goals, budgets and strategies for the coming year. And as individuals, we’ve transitioned into the new year, working toward our goals, organizing family schedules and...
I’ve been revisiting the word resilience lately, and what it really means for a person to be described as resilient. You might be thinking, “Des, what’s the big deal?” And on the surface, you’d be right. Resilience is a revered trait and common topic in the coaching...
“I have to get back into a routine!” If you’ve been muttering that to yourself lately, especially after having enjoyed a summer full of vacations, parties, late night movie binges and a less structured schedule, you’re not alone. Fall has a way of saying, “Hey, it’s...
Take a minute to think about this past week, month or even the year. I’m betting there were times when you didn’t get what you wanted, things just didn’t go your way, or you felt stuck in a rut and not going anywhere. Maybe it was due to a negative reaction from a...
Standard advice for people looking to reach a new career level, get a promotion or start a new business includes things like, “Give more value to your workplace, get noticed … demonstrate your leadership abilities.” Those are all great tips, but I’d add another one...