Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results.

Welcome!  Check out my newest adventure … video blogging!


As I launch  this new adventure, my video blog, I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes by Helen Keller,

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

When I think about the meaning of that quote, I think about the adventure that we’re all on, this adventure called life. Just like the astronaut who would risk exposure to the unknown, who would launch into a new frontier. I believe that we all have a place deep inside us that calls us. It pulls us forward. It asks us to be greater than who we are.

Whether that is a calling of service, abundance, family or success – sometimes that calling can be daring or even scary. Just like the astronaut, we know that we have to “go.”

That’s one of the many things that I love about the work that I get to do. I get to work with people and help them “take themselves on” in a much bigger way than they have before.

I would love for you to join me here and also on Twitter, Facebook and on my website, I’ll be sharing stories, tips and insights about this amazing adventure called life. Thanks. We’ll see you soon!