Your girl with t-shirt saying Future LeaderEffective leadership is a make-or-break component of any successful organization, as leaders are in the position to create or reshape corporate culture, and empower teams for higher productivity and success

As so many companies continue to adapt to hybrid work models that include more and more remote workers (many becoming permanently so), leaders face a very unpredictable future in terms of corporate environments. As I have found with my clients, plenty of executives, managers and team leaders are feeling stressed and a little off kilter. That’s why I wanted to share some compelling leadership development quotes that I hope you’ll find inspiring and uplifting. 

Hang in there, leaders – you’re not alone.


15 Inspirational Leadership Development Quotes


As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership.”  ― Amit Ray


At the end of the day, the core responsibility of a leader is to impact change.”  ― Germany Kent


We often trick ourselves into thinking that we possess enough knowledge or control over any given situation to make correct choices. Maybe that is why we hold on to the decisions we make so dearly even when we know we are wrong.”  ― Spencer Fraseur


Helping people grow is the surest way to foster loyalty, engagement, and passion.”  ― Victoria Montgomery Brown


Authentic leadership gives people faith and trust in you even when the impossible seems impossible. Your team becomes more and more stunned in their mindset with each success, daring enough to trust in your direction and character as a leader.”  ― John M. Sheehan


Be innovative in leading people. Within our organizations we are continuously innovating procedures, systems and technology but we fail to consider how we can innovate in our leadership.― Janna Cachola


An organization that does not implement learning and development initiatives is an organization that is a sinking titanic, an inevitable shipwreck left behind.”  ― Audrey Mphela


Take time for yourself to find out who you are at the core. Knowing who you are apart from a group will make you even more effective in front of a group.”  ― Marc A. Pitman


You cannot become better at what you do unless you become better at who you are.”  ― Kemi Ogunkoya


You might think that, as an executive, admitting mistakes shows weakness, but handled in the right way, it actually shows strength.”  Sabrina Horn


The most significant role of a leader is to make the invisible clearly visible. Inspiration is invisible but inspired action is visible. Truth is invisible but trustworthy behaviour is visible. A leader has to constantly cross the bridge between what is unseen and that which is seen in order to connect with his followers.”  ― Debashis Chatterjee


In an organization, it is the leader’s responsibility to take the first risk, to build a Circle of Safety. But then it is up to the employee to take a chance and step into the Circle of Safety.”  Simon Sinek


The most effective global leaders are style shifters with an uncanny ability to adapt to diverse people and climates.”  ― Maya Hu-Chan


Leadership is actually a process, not a position. You don’t have to hold a formal leadership role to be a leader. Good leadership is the use of key skills and practices correctly applied at the right time to help the organization reach its highest potential.”  ― Britt Andreatta


Neither coach nor leader can adapt and change until we are willing to step onto the balcony and gain new views of ourselves.”  ― Pamela McLean


More On Leadership Development

Did you know that 40 percent of new leaders will fail within the first 18 months? The good news is that leadership failure can be predicted – and even prevented – when managers are given the right resources. That’s where leadership development comes in. If you’d like to find out more about Vida Aventura’s leadership development programs, contact us today! 


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Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results.