Ever thought about creating a team building triple win?

In the past several years more and more companies are focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that involve combining team building and philanthropy. CSR team building programs range from packing backpacks for kids to restoring parks to neighborhood clean-up efforts.

The range of programs offered varies and is ever growing. Below is list of a few examples:

• Building bikes for kids
• Mini golf course can food drives
• Build a bear to donate to charity
• Neighborhood cleanup scavenger hunts
• Care packages for soldiers overseas
• Build a dollhouse to donate to underprivileged girls
• Team cook-off’s to make meals for the needy
• Habitat for Humanity Building
• Neighborhood restoration projects

The result of blending your philanthropic passion, your company mission, your team’s power is win, win, win: The community wins, your company wins and your team wins. Not to mention the impact on your bottom line and the fulfillment of knowing that you’ve made a difference in your community and in the lives of others. The sum of the equation is everyone wins.

Most leaders struggle with disengagement, dysfunction, and non-productive behaviors with their teams. We deliver training that develops leaders and engages teams to increase your company results.