Have you ever noticed that it’s impossible to give more than you receive when being of service? Knowing that you’ve made a difference for someone is one of the most rewarding experiences life has to offer.

I recently joined Indiana Sports Corp and had the pleasure of packing backpacks for kids. It was a fulfilling experience collaborating and networking with my fellow “co-workers” as we packed away. If you are an independent business owner or work for a small company and you haven’t exercised your philanthropic passion lately, I encourage you to flex your giving muscle and make a difference.

If, on the other hand, you work for a business that has a Corporate Social Responsibility mission, you are probably aware of the surge in options of team building events that combine team building and philanthropy. I recently wrote a blog about of the options available and the benefits of combining the two. In addition, the attached video highlights how when individuals engage in team activities teamwork, rapport and camaraderie gets established.

That’s the power of being of service.




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