Your life is boring…There, I said it.
Not only is it boring, but you’ve given up your dreams and decided to float through life.
You’re not happy about it either. Every day you wake up depressed because life is slowly, painfully fading away― and you’re left out.
You’re not alone; most of the planet feels this way.
In a recent survey by GoDaddy, more than half of Americans feel stuck in a rut. The reasons are money, motivation, and not knowing where to start.
What if I could show you one formula that you could use to set your life and dreams on the fast track? A formula that’s simple, and can be deployed fast so that you can taste success quickly.
In this post, I’m going to hand you the key that you’ll need to get out of your rut and get your life into the winners circle.
Once you start using this hack, you’ll never be confused again about how to achieve your goals. Your dreams will finally be within your reach.
Are you excited? Then, let’s get started!
Lobsters are funny creatures.
If they get washed up on shore, they won’t try to crawl back into the ocean.
Yeah, it’s true.
The tide can bring the water within a few feet of them, and they won’t make the slightest effort to get to it. As a matter of fact, they’ll die several inches away from their habitat.
A sad fact is that the world is filled with human lobsters. They can see what they want, dream about it, and still they won’t make the slightest movement toward it. And when they do finally decide to get off the couch, their attempts are so half-assed they give up in the first hour.
Hey, I’m not going to sugarcoat this because accomplishing your life dreams will be hard; if it were easy then everybody would be a success. Most people will come up with a thousand reasons why they can’t get what they want out of life.
In reality, most of us are born with everything we need to succeed.
I’m sure you realize people like Bill Gates, Jeremy Lin, or Will Smith all have the same stuff as you. They all have two arms, two legs, one brain, and 24 hours in a day.
What about people that don’t have all of the basic equipment? Well, take a look at Richie Parker…
Another great example of a person that has a severe handicap is Jon Morrow. Jon has a condition known as Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). When he was born, his doctor gave him two years to live and to this day, the only muscles he can use are the ones in his face.
Jon is now a multi-millionaire having become one of the top authorities on blogging in the world. His courage and conviction are unstoppable.
Face it, when a person wants to succeed in life, NOTHING can stop them.
So what is this power or unseen factor that plays out in the lives of successful people?
I can boil it all down into a simple formula for you:
As you can see, there are 2 success factors at work here: Intense Focus and Massive Action
I say “intense focus” because you can’t bounce all over the place trying to achieve 50 different goals. When you’re that unfocused your attention, energy, and resources are spread all over the place.
A good example of this is a garden hose nozzle. When you loosen up the spray handle, it spreads the water all over the place. It has no power or focus. The water gets wasted and usually serves no purpose.
When you tighten up the nozzle, the water becomes a defined blast and it exerts a powerful stream. You can very easily target the water to go to a specific place to get the job done. This is “intense focus”; placing your attention, energy, and resources on one or two specific targets.
If you want an example of this idea in action, take a look at the greatest accomplishment in world history. In 1961 President John F. Kennedy issued a challenge to the United States to be the first nation to land a man on the moon.
When you read this segment of President Kennedy’s famous motivational speech you’ll see what I mean when I say, “intense focus”:
“This decision demands a major national commitment of scientific and technical manpower, materiel and facilities, and the possibility of their diversion from other important activities where they are already thinly spread. It means a degree of dedication, organization and discipline which have not always characterized our research and development efforts. It means we cannot afford undue work stoppages, inflated costs of material or talent, wasteful inter agency rivalries, or a high turnover of key personnel.”
The second part of this equation is “massive action”, and it’s the most important.
Without this part of the equation, your dreams will die a horrible death. Very simply, “massive action” means that you will do as much as possible to accomplish you goals.
I’m not talking wimpy, slow, carefully calculated, let’s not get carried away action ― but full-bore, move your ass, get as much done as possible because life is way too short action.
Once again, I’d like to draw on President Kennedy’s speech. Take a look at how he emphasizes the principle of massive action to put a man on the moon:
“We propose to accelerate the development of the appropriate lunar space craft. We propose to develop alternate liquid and solid fuel boosters, much larger than any now being developed, until certain which is superior. We propose additional funds for other engine development and for unmanned explorations–explorations which are particularly important for one purpose which this nation will never overlook…”
And this is just part of the action he initiated in that speech! Here are just a few of the short bursts of actionable steps the President laid out:
“… accelerate development of the Rover nuclear rocket…”
“… accelerating the use of space satellites for world-wide communications…”
“… a satellite system for world-wide weather observation….”
And even though the purpose of these ambitious plans was to get a man to walk on the moon, look at all the byproducts!
• We now have a massive satellite communications system, world-wide
• It briefly united the world into a single people
• It gave scientists common ground worldwide
• Computer microchips were created. Also advances in freeze dried food and other inventions
• Satellite TV was used for the first time
• The list of accomplishments and inventions could roll down this page.
Step 1: Find Your Focus
The first thing you must do is decide which goals are the ones you feel most passionate about.
As a rule of thumb, you can have more than one goal, but your focus must be three or less. The fewer goals you have the better off you will be.
You don’t want too many goals. Each goal has a series of tasks you must finish so you can complete each goal.
Here’s an example:
You want to become a black belt in Karate. As you pursue your goal of becoming a Black Belt you’ll have to learn and master these skills:
• 12 unarmed kata
• Bo basics
• 10 Jujitsu techniques
• All hand and kicking techniques
• Drills
• Free sparring demonstration
• Knowledge of vital points
These components are a vital part of your goal of becoming a black belt.
(See why it’s important to focus on only one or two goals?)
Each goal has objectives that you’ll have to work on. If you have 20 goals with 10 objectives each, you’ll get confused, frustrated, and you will eventually quit.
As you can see ―less is more.
So your first task in using this formula is to decide on a few goals and focus. Once again, I want to emphasize the point that you only want a few goals to pursue at one time.
Step 2: Break Down Your Goal into Smaller Steps
As you noticed in Step 1, I took the goal of becoming a black belt and broke it down into actionable steps. This is very important because you want to make your objectives or tasks bite sized.
It’s like the old joke, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
Get it?
If you break down a goal like this, it will look more possible and increase the chances that you’ll be able to finish it.
Step 3: Write out a Simple Plan of Action
I use my whiteboard a lot.
Years ago, I had two major goals. One of them was rehabbing a house within one year. The house my wife and I purchased was completely gutted, and it required a huge commitment. We used a whiteboard, and every time we worked on the house we posted a list of what we wanted to finish within a week.
We kept the whiteboard in a spot where we would have to see it. That way, we could keep our eyes on the prize as we worked.
So your third step is to make a visible list of what you want to accomplish. Of course you’re not going to be able to take your whiteboard with you. Like the example of the Karate class, keep your whiteboard where you can see it.
Step 4: Cross off Each Task on Your List
Whenever we finished a task, we crossed it off. This was vital to getting the house completed because it gave us 3 benefits:
1) It was a great motivator, spurring us on to the next objective.
2) We felt a sense of accomplishment by crossing off the task.
3) It gave us the confidence we needed to keep working on this massive project.
Step 5: Reward Yourself
Most of your goals will not be as challenging as rehabbing an entire house. In our case, we almost had to rebuild an entire house. It was a massive project.
My wife thought it was going to take several years. Using this system, we completed it in under 11 months.
Once we had the house in the country the way we wanted it, we sold our house in the city and took the proceeds to pay cash for a new Jeep. Not only did we treat ourselves to a new vehicle, but we now had a house in the country that was paid for!
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
As you can see by my real-world example, you can realize many dreams when you take massive action. Rehabbing the house was only one of two massive projects I completed within a 12 month period of time.
The other project was getting my teaching certification with the state of Kentucky. The internship book that I had to complete, with all the required tasks in it became the size of a New York City phone book!
Once again, I used the formula of massive action. I broke down each step of the process into smaller objectives and crossed each one off as I completed it. (I wouldn’t recommend doing two tasks of this size, it was very stressful.)
If you do this for all your major goals and follow them through to the end you’ll eventually make this process a habit. You’ll find that success isn’t some illusion or oasis in the desert of your mind. Your goals and dreams will become clear, concise, and achievable.
We’d love to hear about your dreams!
Please leave a list of things you want to achieve in the comment section below. By sharing your dreams you’ll not only encourage yourself, but you’ll inspire others.
Do it now and get your dreams on the fast track of your life!
To your success!
Mark Elmo Ellis
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